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Be in the know on how to make an impact
Tips for a Successful Grant Proposal
Tips for a Successful Grant Proposal
5 Tips For A Successful Fundraiser On Giving Tuesday
At NEDDIE we want to give nonprofits their best chance to multiply their funding on Giving Tuesday.
Success Stories: Lives Changed by Nonprofits
At NEDDIE, we love to celebrate nonprofits and the work they do in our communities. That's why we do what we do: to support the work...
Giving on a Tight Budget
In this challenging time, finances are tight for many people. They want to do good in their communities, but don’t have much extra money...
5 Podcasts That Will Put Your Nonprofit Ahead Of The Game
People and organizations are finding new ways to contribute positively to the most pressing issues of today. These podcasts will inspire you
Easily Increase Engagement With Millennials
As the largest generation in the US, millennials are steadily increasing their influence across American society. As businesses and...
Women's History Month: Leaders in Philanthropy
Leaders in Philanthropy sharing their perspectives and their suggestions for young women hoping to lead one day.
How NEDDIE is Changing the Status Quo
In a world where our boundaries are constantly pushed by inequities, nonprofits and individuals have been at the forefront of change in...
2021 Marketing Tips For Nonprofits
Marketing to individuals is a crucial skill for nonprofits. However, it can be tricky to peek into the mindset of the supporter. We’d...
2021: Live Well, Give Well
How do we get started with giving? There are millions of nonprofits out there; how can we truly make a difference?
NEDDIE: Paving the Way for the Future of Philanthropy
The digital platform for social impact has officially arrived. NEDDIE began welcoming donors to its site. Individuals can now create a...
Impact Innovators: Creative Giving
Social impact gets creative! These impact innovators show us that there are as many ways to give as there are unique individuals.
Make Way For The New "Feel-Good" App
The digital platform for social impact has officially arrived. Last month, NEDDIE began welcoming donors to its site, just in time
How One Advocate Is Shaping A Voting Nation
As Election Day nears, NEDDIE spotlights one of our community members who has been volunteering her time to advocate for voting rights
Everyday Heroes, People Like You And Me
Everyday heroes are self-made by acts of generosity, kindness, and initiative. Meet some of our heroes and see how you can become one too.
Free Tools to Increase Donor Reach
Looking for ways to broaden your donor reach? Technology and corporate responsibility have dovetailed to innovate charitable giving.
501(c)(3) Quickstart Guide for Nonprofits
Many nonprofits will be familiar with the section 501(c)(3) tax category.
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