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Make Fundraising Fun!

Writer's picture: NEDDIE TeamNEDDIE Team

Updated: Jun 10, 2022

There are a growing number of creative ways to fundraise for a cause. From social media fundraisers to sites like NEDDIE and GoFundMe, you can start your own campaign with just a few clicks. For those who are more activity-minded, there is no lack of opportunity to turn your favorite pastime into a benefit for a good cause: walk/jog-a-thons, virtual parties, trivia nights, hair dye dares. Let your interests and imagination inspire you to social good!

Photo credit: Steve Jewett

To help you get in the fundraising spirit, here are some creative ideas along with some nonprofits who could use your help!

Team Spirit

Food Lifeline is a nonprofit on a mission to end hunger in Western Washington. They partner with food industry companies, food banks, shelters, and meal programs to provide nutritious meals to people facing hunger.

Their annual Food Frenzy fundraiser pits company teams against each other in a bid to raise funds and food donations. This year, their supporters raised over $600,000, collected 2,427 food items, and volunteered over 625 hours. Nothing like a little friendly competition to bring out the best in people!

It's Your Birthday!

The nonprofit Eileen and Callie’s Place was the lucky recipient of one supporter’s birthday gifts this year. Instead of asking for presents, he asked his friends and family to donate to this worthy cause, which educates and supports young women aged out of foster care. For your next birthday, why not set up a fundraiser on your social media page? Here are some other ideas of how you can contribute, courtesy of Eileen and Callie’s Place:

  • Become a resource partner and provide needed services

  • Host a private reception for your friends to introduce them to their cause

  • Become a board member

You can even share in their birthday celebration for 100 young ladies who will be turning 18 this year and aging out of foster care. Visit NEDDIE to contribute to Eileen and Callie’s Celebrate 18! Campaign.

A Walk in the Woods

The nonprofit Page Ahead Children’s Literacy Program has its own list of suggestions for hosting a fundraiser. Some of the more creative ideas are:

  • Leading a nature walk, or a historic or architectural tour

  • Hosting a book sale, bake sale, or garage sale

  • Hosting a dinner with friends

So what are you waiting for? Start a fundraiser today and get in on the fun! For even more ideas, check out these innovators who are contributing to positive change on their own terms.


At NEDDIE, you can volunteer a skill or service, donate, or contribute needed supplies from nonprofit wishlists. Sign up today to boost your social impact!

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